Information from O. L. Baskin & Co.,
Historical Publishers
186 Dearborn St.
Chicago, Ill.
The traveler, crossing the State on the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, & Indianapolis Railway, passes through but one village in Morrow County, and that is CARDINGTON. This is a village of 1,362 inhabitants, by the census of the present year; it is situated in the southeast corner of the township of the same name, ninety-eight miles southwest of Cleveland and thirty-eight north of Columbus. Its latitude is 40 1/2 degrees north, and about 6' west Longitude.
A line drawn from Cincinnati, the metropolis of the State, to Cleveland, the second city, passes through the village; another line, drawn from the northwest corner of the State to Marietta in the southeast, the oldest city, will cross the first line in Cardington; so that, like the city of Duluth, "it is supposed to be so exactly in the center of the visible universe that the sky comes down at the same distance all around it."
But this is the village of to-day. Forty years ago, it ranked below the village of Woodbury, and was called a town only as a matter of courtesy. A straggling collection of dwellings at the east end of town, that in 1836 counted only six dwellings, with the saw and grist mills, and the carding-mill and two cabins at the west end, marked the site of Cardington.
One street wound along the river bank from the ford at the site of Bunker's mill to the carding-mill, and then on to the Delaware road.

Where Main crosses Marion street, a "cat-tail swamp " barred the way, and a single tavern and store represented the hospitality and commercial enterprise of the place. But little remains now to point out the changes that have been made since that day, Here and there about town some old structure is pointed out beneath its modern disguise as one of the land-marks of that time.
There is the old water-mill, built in 1840 by Shunk & Wolfe, with the same old building, but containing such improvements in machinery as would be likely to confound the early proprietors.
The house on the race, back of E. Winebar's, is another relic of the early times, and about which cluster the memories of the earliest settlers, while those owned by John Lentz, and Andrew Grant have witnessed the changes from a time scarcely less early.
The stable of C. P. Nichols has had a varied existence. Built in 1839 for a stable by Martin Brockway, it stood on the south side of Second street, opposite John Sanderson's livery stable.
In 1852, Leumas Cook bought it, and, moving it to where Harvey Bunker's livery stable stands, converted it into a grist-mill, applying the first steam power ever used in the town. After serving in this capacity for eight or ten years, it was sold again and resumed its character of stable, and is now occupied for livery purposes.
The Bunker property remained in the hands of Cook and Shunk two or three years, when in 1836 they laid out the town.
They soon after dissolved partnership, Cook retaining the village property and Shunk taking the mills and water privileges.
In 1839, Charles H. Wolfe came here from Maryland with his wife and child, and purchased an interest in the mills with Shunk, a partnership that terminated only with the death of Mr. Shunk in 1864.
Three years before the coming of Wolfe., Thomas C. Thompson came from the same State, a young unmarried man, and set up a carriage-shop. A year later, having established himself in his business, he returned to Maryland and brought back the sister of John Shunk as his wife.
In 1837, Anson St. John came here, a widower with three children, and established a cabinet-shop on the bank of the river in the east part of town. Here he manufactured the first furniture made in the place, and carried a stock of goods that was the pride of the town. A lathe run by horse power was one of his conspicuous advantages over competitors in the surrounding country, giving his work a superior finish and his shop greater facilities that told on the customer.
But, notwithstanding these additions, the town made but a very small show for a city. Up to the coming of the railroad, the place exhibited no particular vitality, and, in fact, was rather retrograding.
Chesterville at that time was the metropolis of the county, with a lively struggle between Mount Gilead and Cardington for second place.
The nearest point to secure supplies was at Mansfield, which was then the terminus of the old Mansfield railroad. Here, whoever had business to that place, put on what goods they could haul and brought them back to his neighbors.
A small tin-shop owned and run by Dubois St. John got all of its supplies here, going over eighteen or twenty miles for the little stuff he found sale for in the way of his trade.
In 1848, came the formation of the county, and with it a "boom" for Mount Gilead, making it in a short time the most important village in the county. At this time the Scriptural injunction, "Lot him that standeth take heed lest he fall " would have served the county seat an excellent purpose if it had been heeded.
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The building of the new railroad was projected, and soon took shape, so that the village was asked to subscribe for the. enterprise. Fifty thousand dollars worth of stock was at once taken and the line surveyed out.
At this juncture the managers, desiring to make sure against any failure on the part of the subscribers, came to Mount Gilead, as to other places, to get security for the subscriptions before the work was begun.
The parties there, feeling sure that the road would go through, temporized and failed to give the desired guarantees, and the railroad magnates left, in no amiable mood.
Coming to Cardington they stopped with John Shunk, who was a man of shrewd intellect and kept hotel. The town had but little means and could not compete with the county seat in subscription, but Shunk suggested that if they would follow the line surveyed in 1830, for the Ohio Canal, which passed about two miles west of Mount Gilead, they would save nearly as much as they had subscribed.
This suggestion fell upon willing ears, and the line was laid out in that way. One day, it is said, some Gilead parties were in Cardington, and, noticing some men working along the proposed route through town. inquired what was going on. "That is the line of the new railroad," was the reply.
The astonishment and chagrin of the man from Gilead was all, that their rivals could have asked. Great efforts were made to counteract the effects of their short-sighted policy, but it was and Cardington gained what was far more valuable to her interests than the seat of justice.
During the year 1850, the work on the road was rapidly pushed and finally completed, so that the first train passed over the road in January, 1851.
Ira and George Nichols, of this village, contracted for and built several sections of the road, along where it passes Levering Station.
There was a good deal of hard feeling expressed over the failure of Mount Gilead, and some of the farmers did all they could against yielding the right of way. When the Nichols Bros. were ready to break ground about Levering, a farmer defied them to touch his fence, and threatened to shoot the first one who molested his property.
The men were ordered to proceed, and several sprang to the fence, tearing it down in a trice. The irate farmer, finding himself in the hands of a determined and numerous enemy, took counsel of his discretion and deserted the field without a shot.
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In February, 1851, the trains ran regularly through the village, and in about a year the first railroad smash-up occurred within the limits of the town.
A freight train, that had got behind time, was making every effort to make up, when a young bull was observed on the track, apparently determined to keep his position. The conductor was on the engine consulting with the engineer as to the best course to pursue, The engine had no "cow-catcher," but it was decided, under the circumstances, to try conclusions with his bullship. The result was unexpected and disastrous to both parties.
The collision was announced with a crash that in the still evening air was heard at Woodbury, a distance of nine miles. Nineteen freight cars were demolished, the conductor thrown under the machinery and both legs cut off, and travel stopped for a number of hours. The conductor afterward died from his wounds.
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The company owns twelve acres of land, and one of the finest depot grounds along their line. Two hundred and fifty maple-trees were set out by the citizens, that have gradually grown into a park that elicits the unbounded admiration of travelers through the village.
The road has five water-tanks, with a capacity of fifty barrels each, a steam pump, and good facilities for weighing stock. The valuation of the road for taxable purposes is, in the township, $46,628, in the corporation, $25,963, and in the school district, $16,000, making a total of $88,591.
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The advantages of the railroad were not at once apparent. There was a slow improvement observable, but it was not until about the opening of the war that any marked growth could be seen.
A movement was made in 1854 to incorporate the village, but the petition received such vigorous opposition that it was defeated. Three years later, F. E. Phelps and Gen. John Beatty headed a petition signed by one hundred and eleven other citizens. and the incorporation of the village was effected.
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The first effort at public improvement was a sidewalk consisting of a single plank in width, laid down on the south side of Main street, from the railroad to the old Christian Church, on the corner of Water street. This was the result of private enterprise, and accomplished at private expense. This was in 1852.
Three years later, the first regular sidewalk was laid by J. H. Fiedler, in front of the lot now owned by Charles Lentz, on Main street. This walk consisted of sawed ties placed closely together, which formed a substantial, if not an economical, walk.
The task of grading the town and making the streets presentable, was not a light one. The surface sloped from the east and south, leaving what is now the business center of the town covered with swamp and water.
Where the National Bank building stands, was in 1852 a pool of water deep enough for the boys in the village to swim in, and it was situated far enough out in the suburbs to answer that purpose.
In 1866, an effort was made to secure the lighting of the streets, but the Council did not see fit to adopt such an advanced position. A compromise, however, was effected, by which those who desired the lamps, bought them, and the Council kept them lighted. In this way the village is provided with twenty-nine coal-oil lamps, but few of which are now in use.
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The public buildings of the village consist of the engine house and council room combined, and the lock-up. The former was built in 1874. It is a small brick structure about twenty by twenty-five feet, and two stories high.

The lower room is devoted to the engine, and the upper to the Council. A wooden "lean-to " on the north side shelters the hook and ladder truck.
The "lock-up" is a wooden Shed with grated windows and doors, the whole presenting the appearance of a well-regulated calf-pen. The history of this public edifice is somewhat varied. A "lock-up" was one of the earliest institutions, but the one best remembered is that building constructed of plank and driven full of nails, that stood on the bank of the creek east of town. In 1873, this was sold and the present calaboose erected.
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The fire department was organized in 1874. Fires were almost unknown during the first years, and, though considerable apprehension was felt that a time would come which would more than offset their good fortune, nothing was done by the village toward protecting property against fire.
Seven thousand dollars would, probably, cover the whole loss by fire during the first fifty years of the towns history.
In 1856, Joseph Whistler had a small house burned; in 1865, William Cunningham bad a blacksmith-shop burned in the following year, Louis Mayer had a fire in his dry-goods store; in 1870, S. W. Gregory and Dr. T. P. Glidden each lost a house ; and in 1871, a millinery store was burned.
After this period, the fires seem to grow more destructive. In 1874, William Shunk's store, with three other storehouses, including the Bank Building, were destroyed, involving a loss of $8,000 ; in November, 1875, G. R. Cunningham's es establishment was consumed, involving a loss of about $20,000, and two days later the barns of what is now the Nichols House were burned. The fires of. 1874 made a valuable impression upon the council and community.
Four of the Babcock extinguishers had been purchased, heretofore, and, the people knowing that everything depended upon their promptness. most 'of the fires had been put out before they got under headway.
But the fire of 1874 showed them that they were completely at the mercy of the flames, if once they got started, and it seemed altogether likely that they might pay for their carelessness in not providing for an engine, by the loss of the whole business part of the town.
The result was, that in December, 1874, a No. 3 Silsby Fire Engine, with two hose reels and 1,200 feet of rubber hose, was purchased at a cost of $6,000. A hook and ladder truck was bought, which, with its belongings, cost some $300.

The Fire Department is composed of the engine company, fifteen men, two reel companies of fifteen men each, and the hook and ladder company of thirty men.
The officers are J. S. Peck, Chief of Department ; Addison Sharpe, Captain of Engine John Kreis, Captain of the Hook and Ladder Stephen St. John, Captain Reel No. 1; C. D. Lamprecht, Captain Reel No. 2.

The engine is provided with conveniences for attaching horses, and during the season of heavy roads this attachment is put on, and arrangements made at the livery stable to secure a team when needed.
For the protection of the business part of the town, the machine is not moved out of the building. Beneath the engine is a tank supplied with water from the race, and it is practically inexhaustible.
The situation of the engine-house near the center of the business part of' the town renders this plan feasible. It is a suggestion of the chief or the department, and by this plan he claims to get the steam up quicker, the hose is laid at the moment of alarm, and all delay caused by moving the steamer avoided.
Five cisterns or wells supply water for the purposes of the department. These are bricked or planked up, and furnish a supply sufficient for all demands thus far.
There are two places where water may be drawn direct from the river, on the iron bridge, and in the west part of the village, where facilities have been provided on the bank of the river.
The members of the department were at one time provided with a uniform, but the frequent changes in the membership, and the wear and tear of service have long since spoiled its effect, and it has been abandoned.
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The early records of the Common Council have been partially lost, but enough remains in the recently published book of ordinances to satisfy one that their labors have not been arduous, nor especially memorable.
There has been no occasion for great display of statesmanship or financial ability. No great undertaking has been engaged in, and, save in the matter of grading the streets and the purchase of the engine, no considerable expenditure has ever been made, or bonds negotiated.
The village is now nearly out of debt, and that without excessive taxation. The officers first elected were a Mayor. Recorder, Treasurer, Marshal and five Councilmen, until 1870, when the number of the latter was raised to six.
An engineer was appointed, in 1858 a Street Commissioner was added, and in 1861 the office of engineer abolished.
In 1866 a Health Officer was made a regular part of' the administration, to be abolished in the following year.
In 1878 the offices of Street Commissioner and City Solicitor were established, though the former seems to have been a regular member of each administration since 1858. The list of officers since the incorporation of the village is as follows :
1857-Mayor, John Shur, Recorder, Robert Johnson; Treasurer, John Beatty; Engineer, Simon Rosenthal ; Marshal, D. B. Peck. Councilmen -G. W. Stark, J. C. James, James Gregory, Jr., Jeremiah Shunk, Levi Maxwell.
1858-Mayor, Daniel Wieder; Recorder, A. C. Shur;(1); Treasurer, John Beatty ; Engineer, Simon Rosenthal; Marshal, W. T. Armstrong; Street Commissioner, George Miller.(2) Councilmen-G. W. Stark, J. C. Goodman, A. W. Bartlett, D. L. Swingley, James Gregory, Jr.
1859-Mayor, Charles Maxwell ; (3) Recorder,
(1) Resigned, and Jeremiah Shunk appointed to fill the vacancy.
(2) Resigned, and C. P. Shur appointed to fill the vacancy.
(3) Resigned, and T. W. McCoy appointed to fill vacancy.
James W. Likens; Treasurer, F. E. Phelps;(1); Engineer ( record lost) ; Street Commissioner (record lost) Marshal (record lost). Councilmen-G. W. Stark, William Shunk, A. W. Bartlett, Stephen Brown, Samuel Cook.
1860 - Mayor, Daniel Norris; Treasurer, W. F. Armstrong. The rest of' the record is lost.
1861-Mayor, John Andrews; Recorder, Harlos Ashley; (2); Treasurer, A. H. Shunk; Engineers (dropped), Street Commissioner, Wm. Lamprecht, (3); Marshal, J. Hughes. Councilmen-A. H. Shunk, J. L. Dana, Wm. Lamprecht, J. W. Marvin, G. R. Cunningham.
1862-Mayor, J. C. Godman, Recorder, O. W. Cadwallader; Treasurer, David Armstrong, Jr. ; Street Commissioner, W. C. Nichols , Marshal, W. A. Cunningham.(4); Councilmen-J. C. Ward, W. C. Nichols, S. Brown, David Armstrong, Jr., I. N. Burt.
1863-Mayor, John Andrews; (5); Recorder, David Wagner; Treasurer, A. C. Shur; Street Commissioner, W. C. Nichols; Marshal, C. R. Morehouse. Councilmen-M. L. Mooney, A. H. Grant, A. C. Shur, A. H. Green.
1864-Mayor, W. C. Nichols - Recorder, F. L. Wallace (6); Treasurer, A. J. Blake ; Marshal W. H. Conklin -, Street Commissioner, S. Brown Councilmen-A. J. Blake, D. Wagner, A. H Green, T. H. Ensign, Arthur Taylor, (7)
1865-Mayor, W. C. Nichols; Recorder, H. H. Sterner; Treasurer, A. J. Blake ; Street Cow missioner, G. W. Bell - Marshal W. A. Conklin Councilmen-A. J. Blake, F. E. Phelps, A. K. Earl, D. Wagner, (8); J. Richards. (9).
1866-Mayor, W. C. Nichols; Recorder, Charles B. Lindsay, (10); Treasurer, M. L. Mooney-, Street Commissioner, G. W. Bell; Marshal, F. M. Sar-
1. Resigned and J. Jeremiah Shunk appointed to fill vacancy.
2. Resigned, and O. W. Cadwallader appointed to fill vacancy.
3. Resigned, and G. W. Stark appointed to fill vacancy. Stark also resigned, and A. H. Green was appointed to fill vacancy.
4. Resigned, and Daniel Benson appointed to fill vacancy.
5. Resigned, and S. Brown appointed to fill vacancy.
6. Resigned, and H. H. Sterner appointed to fill vacancy.
7. Resigned, and F. E. Phelps appointed to fill vacancy.
8. Resigned, and J. S. Peck appointed to fill vacancy.
9. Resigned, and Jacob Demuth appointed to fill vacancy.
10. Resigned, and H. S. Green appointed to fill vacancy.
geant; (1) Health Officer, Dr. A. S. Weatherby; Councilmen-F. E. Phelps, M. L. Mooney; J. S. Peck,(2); T. ff. Ensign, A. H. Grant.(3).
1867-Mayor, G. P. Stiles; Recorder, H. S. Green ; Treasurer, Z. L. White; Street Commissioner, G. W. Bell; Marshal, Samuel Shoemaker. Councilmen-Z. L. White, T. E. Duncan, G. R. Cunningham, S. W. Gregory, J. W. Marvin.
1868-Mayor, J. B. Clark; Recorder, R. M. Underwood - Treasurer, S. W. Gregory; Street Commissioner, G. W. Bell; (4); Marshal, J. R. Brown (5) Councilmen - S. W. Gregory, E Weatherby, D. St. John, W. Shunk (6); E. Burt.
1869-Mayor, W. C. Nichols; Recorder, H. H. Pollock; Treasurer, J. S. Peck; Street Commissioner, A. H. Green; Marshal, W. H. VanHorn. Councilmen-J. S. Peck, T. H. Ensign, C. W. Case, L. P. Hager, A. H. Grant.
1870-Mayor, A. K. Earl; Recorder, G. H. Wright; Treasurer, D. St. John; Street Commissioner, G. W. Bell; Marshal, A. J. Shoemaker. Councilmen-C. W. Case, E. Bart, S. W. Gregory, John Sanderson, B. B. Crane, R. F. Chase.
1871-Mayor, A. K. Earl;(7) Recorder, G. H. Wright; Treasurer, D. St. John; Street Commissioner, D. C. Peck; Marshal, John Irvin.(8) Councilmen-D. C. Peck,(9); B. B. Crane, John Bayer, John Sanderson, G. R. Cunningham, E. Winebar.
1872 -Mayor, S. Brown; Recorder, G. M. Brown; (10) Treasurer, D. St. John; Street Commissioner, (11); D. C. Peck; Marshal, A. Van Horn. Councilmen-M. Lewis, E. Bart, John Bayer, E. Winebar, E. S. Badger, G. R. Cunningham.
1873-Mayor, S. Brown;(12); Recorder, J. Sanderson, Jr. ; Treasurer, D. St. John ; Street Com-
1. Resigned, and W. A. Conklin appointed to fill vacancy.
2. Resigned, and Thos. E. Duncan appointed to fill vacancy.
3. Resigned, and Z. L. White appointed to fill vacancy.
4. Resigned and Sam'l Benson appointed to fill vacancy. Benson resigned and Bell was appointed to fill vacancy.
5. Resigned and George W. Reed appointed to fill vacancy.
6. Resigned and John Andrews appointed to fill vacancy.
7. Resigned and S. Brown appointed to fill vacancy,
8. Resigned and A. C. Galpin appointed to fill vacancy.
9. Resigned and Morgan Lewis appointed to fill vacancy.
10. Resigned and W. H. Cordrey appointed to fill vacancy.
11. Resigned and Lester Bartlett appointed to fill vacancy.
12. Resigned and D. C. Peck appointed to fill vacancy.
Commissioner, Lester Bartlett;(1); Marshal, H. Van Born. Councilmen-E. S. Badger, A. J. Pittenger, E. Winebar, C. W. Case, G. R. Cunningham, (2) J. H. Benson.
1874--Mayor, William G. Beatty;(3); Recorder, W. H. Fiedler, Treasurer, D. St. John ; Street Commissioner, H. Van Horn; Marshal, H. Van Horn. Councilmen-J. H. Benson, T. Duncan, Jacob Demuth, A. J. Pittenger, K. Winebar, G. W. Bell.
1875-Mayor, J. C. Bump;(4); Recorder, W. H. Fiedler; Treasurer, D. St, John; Street Commissioner, ff. Van Horn; Marshal, H. Van Horn; Councilmen-Jacob Demuth, Asa McCrary, L. R. Miller, J. S. Peck, A. J. Pittenger, E. Winebar.
1876-Mayor, Seth Cook ; Recorder, Z. B. Taylor; Treasurer, E. Winebar; Street Commissioner, H. Van Horn; Marshal, H. Van Horn. Councilmen-L. R. Miller, J. W. Ryan, Thad. Worthlin, John Weist, Asa McCreany, A. J. Pittenger.
1877-Mayor, Seth Cook; Recorder, Z. B Taylor; Treasurer, E. Winebar; Street Commissioner, H. Van Horn; Marshal, H. Van Horn. Councilmen-A. J. Pittenger, J. W. Ryan, John Weist, J. W. Shaw, Thad. Worthlin, Asa McCreary.
1878-Mayor, C. W. Case; Recorder, Z. B. Taylor; Treasurer, T. W. Long; Street Commissioner, H. Van Horn; Marshal, H. Van Horn. Councilmen-John Weist, J. W. Ryan, Asa McCreary, J. W. Shaw, George Dawson, A. J. Pittenger.
1879-Mayor, C. W. Case; Recorder, Z. B, Taylor; Treasurer, T. W. Long ; City Solicitor, T. S. White; Street Commissioner, H. Van Horn; Marshal, H. Van Horn. Councilmen-A. J. Pittenger, John Weist, C. Vanbrimmer, I. H. Pennock, Henry Bailey, G. B. Gray.
1880-Mayor, J. B. Waring; Recorder, J. P.
1. Resigned and D. 0. Peck appointed to fill vacamcy.
2. Resigned and D. H. Hindman appointed to fill vacancy.
3. Resigned and J. C. Bump appointed to fill vacancy.
4. Resigned and A M. Earl appointed. Earl resigned and R. T. Mills appointed to fill vacancy.
Scott; Treasurer, E. Winebar; City Solicitor, T. S. White; Street Commissioner, C. E. Terry Marshal, C. E. Terry. Councilmen-R. F. Bartlett, G. B. Gray, Henry Bailey, Thad. Worthlin, R. M. Underwood, James Cavort.
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The rise and early growth of the business of Cardington has been referred to elsewhere. The progress from Bunker's single little store, followed by Peter Doty, Robert Jeffries, John Shunk, Shunk & Wolfe, Martin Brockway, David Armstrong and John Shur, covers the growth in business for some thirty years.
The advantages offered by the river and railroad were largely counterbalanced by the strong competition offered by Chesterville and Mount Gilead.
But time gradually told in favor of this village, and at the beginning of the war a class of enterprising men had become established in business, and made Cardington, during that period, one of the most active little towns in Central Ohio.
About 1863-64, there were nine or ten business houses doing an annual business varying from $20,000 to $50,000, occasions reached from whose daily sales on special $300 to $800 per day.
The result of this prosperity was the erection of' the fine business blocks that adorn the main streets of the village.
In 1867, the "Enterprise Block" was put up. During the previous year, parties had given encouragement to a man from Delaware, that if he would come to the village and make the brick they would use them in buildings. For some reason these parties failed to take the brick. and the man of mud found himself in a predicament which threatened to swamp him financially.
Through his efforts and those of Hon. T. E. Duncan, who owned the land on which the building stands, the block was put up at a cost of about $12, 000. To facilitate the project, the land was divided to suit those desiring storerooms, and all put up together.
The parties joining in the enterprise were Dubois St. John, a Mr. Crane, White & Chase, Duncan and Shunk & Wagner. This block stands on the west side of Marion street.
The next business block was that of Marvin & Shaw on the opposite side of the street,

built at a probable cost of some $7,000.
In 1876 the stone bank building and the St. John Block, and in the following year the Beatty & Chase Block were put up on Main street, the whole costing some $25,000.
The Brooks & Parvis Bros. Block was erected on Main street in 1878. These buildings afford ample room for all the important business houses in the village.
Since the close of the war and the depression of business, the unwonted activity of 1863 has given place to a, much more quiet life in business circles, and quite a number of the old wooden buildings are now standing empty.
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In the matter of manufactures, though not reaching the development in this branch as in the mercantile trade, the village has had a steadier and more permanent growth.
The Bunker enterprise gradually died out after the bankruptcy of the originator of the project, and was succeeded some years later by a saw and grist mill, built on the site of the old Bunker mills.
In 1856, John Gregory and Mrs. Israel Hite built a steam mill on the bank of the river, just where the railroad now passes. This was run about a year when it changed owners. It did not prove valuable property for some reason and changed hands frequently until 1867, when John Cline bought it and transformed it into a woolen mill. It ran for several years in the business, when the proprietor failed, and the mill, after lying still for some two years.
Matthias Lowyer bought it and continued the business. The mill now manufactures knitting yarn and some common grades of cloth, but there is no means of ascertaining its business, as no complete books are kept and the only interest seems to be that the establishment does not lose money.
It is supported by a local trade that keeps the mill running most of the year. The machinery of the old carding-mill, its predecessor, which has been idle here for years has just been sold and is to be moved East.
In 1840, the old water-mill standing on the bank of the river, near Marion street, was built by Wolfe & Shunk. In 1877, it passed into the hands of Mills & Dawson.
Up to this time it has depended upon the water brought from the dam by the mill-race, but R. T. Mills having erected a steam saw-mill just west of the old mill, arrangements were made to make the engine of that establishment serve the grist-mill by means of a wire rope.
Since the new proprietors have come into possession of this mill, new machinery has been introduced until it is now in every respect prepared to do first-class work. It is the only mill now doing custom work and has a capacity of twenty barrels in a day and night.
In 1870, the Cardington Flouring Mill Company was formed, with a capital of $15,000. The company consisted of 1. H. Pennock, John Beatty, W. G. Beatty, D. St. John, T. E. Duncan, J. H. Bellsort, and the Dawson Brothers.
They bought the Andrews' warehouse and fitted up a steam mill that did for some years an extensive business. The business failed, however, in 1877, and the mill lay idle for two years, when it was bought by Dawson & Taylor.
It has been furnished with every modern improvement, has four run of buhrs stones With a capacity of turning out sixty barrels of flour in twenty-four hours. Power is furnished by a sixty-horse-power engine situated in a brick inclosure built on the south part of the main building.
This is situated on the west side of the railroad track near the depot, and is run exclusively on commercial work.
Another prominent enterprise of the village is the furniture factory of J. S. Peck. This industry had an early origin in Cardington. In 1844, Alison St. John supplied the village and the surrounding country.
In 1851, Edbert Payne established a shop for the prosecution of this business, but, after continuing it for a few years, sold out and went West.
In 1863, Mr. Peck, with his brother, opened a small store in a frame building, where his retail store now stands. Asa McCreary at that time had a small furniture store in a building where the St. John Block now stands. Soon after his coming here, Mr. Peck bought out McCreary, and a little later bought his brother's interest.
He early began manufacturing and building up a wholesale business, occupying a frame building on Second street, opposite his present establishment, and using horse power to run his lathe and other machinery.
He afterward put in all engine, but the business expanding and feeling the danger in case of a fire, he erected, in the fall of 1876, a three-story brick building on the corner of Second and Depot streets, 42x75 feet, which is devoted entirely to certain lines of furniture.
The most of the machinery is on the first floor, and is of the most improved patterns. Fireproof doors close the entrance to the engine-room, and throughout the building in the upper stories, between the various rooms the doors are used to guard against fire.
The building and dryhouse are heated by exhaust steam, and the latter provided with all elevator.
In manufacturing, Mr. Peck makes a specialty of' bedsteads, employing some fifteen or twenty hands, and a capital of some $30,000.
Adjoining this establishment is the planing-mill and lumber-yard of Levi Maxwell Something over thirty-five years ago, he came from Clarksburg, W. Va., and, engaging in the business of carpenter and joiner, has probably put up more buildings than any other mechanic in the village.
His first dwelling was for Dr. White in 1848, now owned by Mrs. Mosher. In 1873, he bought the lumber-yard of Levi Reichelderfer. After purchasing this property, he used the machinery of Peck, but as business increased, he bought machinery of his own, and on the erection of the Peck Block, he rented the north end of the building for his machinery, renting the motor power of Mr. Peck.
Since 1873, Mr. Maxwell has built up a business that reaches in extent of its sales to $25,000 annually.
The manufacture of wagons, and carriages was one of the earliest industries of the place. Bunker, the early founder of the village, was a successful wagon-maker in Vermont, and notwithstanding the numerous projects that divided his attention, he found time to devote to his old business in the new country.
Succeeding him came Thomas C. Thompson, who established a carriage-shop, in 1836 on the property now owned by J. M. White.
In 1847, J. H. Fluckey commenced the blacksmith business, doing custom work until 1873, when he began the manufacture of carriages, which he is still carrying on.
In 1851, G. R. Cunningham began business, and since 1853, save two years, he has made a specialty of the manufacture of carriages. From 1862 to 1870, his sales amounted to some $30,000 per year, giving employment to from twenty to twentyfive hands. In 1875, he met with a loss of some $20,000 by fire, and the financial depression which followed close upon the heels of this misfortune, forced him into bankruptcy.
He went immediately to work again, and is fast regaining his old trade. He now employs some ten hands. and is doing a business of some $10,000 or $15,000 per annum.
In 1874, the Hook Brothers started a cooper-shop in the village, finishing their work, save hooping, at the saw-mill. of Joseph Smith, a little northeast of the village.
After a year or so, the whole business was moved to the village, where the hooping had been done from the first, putting up a shop just west of the depot.
In November, 1877, the business was sold to Lee & Utter, and two weeks later S. Atwood was taken into the firm, the name changing to Lee, Utter & Co.
In February, 1878, two of the buildings west of the depot were totally destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of some $700 above the amount received from insurance.
In September of this year, Utter sold out to E. G. Morey, and the firm name was changed to Wood, Lee & Co. Last year, the firm lost a dryhouse by fire.
Their establishment is now located just east of the depot building on Depot street, and is admirably arranged for the convenience and safety of' the business.
The engine is inclosed in a fireproof room and is run with the refuse of the business. Sometimes as high as $50 worth of the refuse wood is sold for kindling in a year. Their specialty is butter-tubs and pails, which they sell in all parts of the State.
Last year they turned out some 31,000 tubs and their business is still increasing The capital invested is about $4,000 which they succeed in turning two or three times each year.
With such business activity, it would be natural to find the banking business prominently represented. The first bank was organized as early as 1854, by R. J. House, John Beatty and Richard House, under the name of the Banking Company of House, Beatty & Co.
They occupied the room in the Benson House now occupied by the drug store. In 1856, there was a change in the stockholders, R. J. House and Richard House withdrawing and J. S. Trimble and Jabez Wood taking their place.
The bank was then known for two years as Trimble, Beatty & Wood Banking Company. At the end of that time, the bank changed to Beatty Brothers' Banking Company, the institution being managed by John and William G. Beatty for five years.
In 1863, the First National Bank was organized and the Beatty Bank merged into it, with I. H. Pennock, John Beatty, W. H. Marvin, Jacob Kreis, W. G. Beatty, J. W. Marvin, John Andrews, and D. St. John as stockholders; Dr. I. H. Pennock, President, and W. G. Beatty, Cashier.
The bank at that time occupied the room now occupied by Drs. Green and Williams. After the fire of 1875, which nearly destroyed this building, they moved into a room in the Enterprise Block until they completed their new building on the south side of Main street.
This was finished in the spring of 1876 at a cost of about $8,000. It is a one-story building with an ornamental front of finely cut sandstone. The interior is finished in the finest style, the counter figuring in the general cost at $1,400.
The stockholders are the same, with the exception of John Beatty and John Andrews who withdrew, A. Mayer purchasing a part of their stock. The present officers are, Dr. 1. H. Pennock, President., and J. I. Lamprecht, Cashier.
The Cardington Banking Company organized and commenced business on September 1, 1874, with John Beatty, Jacob Kreis, W. G. Beatty, R. F. Chase, W. Beatty, T. E. Duncan, and T M Rees as stockholders.
The stockholders have remained unchanged save by the death of Mr. Rees, whose stock is now held by his heirs.
They occupy a room in the Enterprise Block and do a general banking business, not being a bank of issue; Jacob Kreis is President, and W. G. Beatty, Cashier.
The latest enterprise is the organization of the "Mutual Endowment and Relief Association of Ohio," with its office at Cardington. This association was originated largely by Mr. Hindman, an old insurance agent and' resident of the county, and was incorporated February 25, 1879.
The officers are John Beatty, President ; R. F. Chase, Vice President ; W. H. Marvin, Treasurer; W. G. Beatty, Secretary - Dr. I. H. Pennock, Medical Director; Hon. Thomas E. Duncan, Attorney; M. Hindman, Superintendent of Agencies.
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The community that settled Cardington (originating principally in the Quaker settlement of Peru) naturally brought with them their old-time regard for that faith, and found their way frequently to the services held in that settlement.
The inconvenience of this arrangement, and the coming of others of different faith, suggested the holding of services of their own.
About 1822 or 1823, the neighbors desiring to have preaching, Jonas Foust went to Waldo and brought Samuel Wyatt, a Free-Will Baptist Minister, to preach in his cabin.
This arrangement was kept up for some time until something more permanent could be secured.
A little later, the United Brethren were represented, and among the early preachers of that church and others, were Francis Clymer, Loraine, Cadwallader, Moore and Dewitt.
The first building erected for church purposes in this section was a log cabin on the land that Johnsot Oliver now owns.
This was put up by the United Brethren society, about the year 1828. In the eastern part of the township, the Quaker settlement of Gilead had services early; but as early as 1824 the Methodists had begun their pioneer work.
At this time, Rev. J. Gilruth preached in the cabins about, and in the same year the building, put up for the double purpose of schoolhouse and church building, was thrown open to any denomination that chose to use it.
The Rev. Mr. Oldfield was an early preacher; but little more is remembered of him. Of the later organizations, it has been difficult to ascertain as complete 1 a record as would be desirable, and for what follows on the different church organizations we are indebted to the pen of Rev. A. K. Earl. The order in which the Methodist and Christian Churches were established is difficult to determine, but it is believed that the Methodist Episcopal Church was the pioneer organization with the Christian Church, coming close after it, and then the Methodist Protestant Church in 1837-38.
The writer's labors commenced here as an itinerant minister of the Methodist Protestant Church, Pittsburgh Conference, in September, 1841.
At that time Cardington was a small village, composed of about twenty-five or thirty families, and a population of from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty persons.
There was no church edifice in the place, but a frame schoolhouse, situated a little south of Main street, on what is now called Center street, served as a preaching place and place of meeting for all denominations.
From the best information obtainable, the Methodist Protestant Church was organized during the winter of 1837-38, by Rev. David Howell.
In the organization, John Shunk and wife, Leumas Cook and wife, Robert Cochran and wife, Jacob Bovey and wife, and probably their three daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary; also, J. D. Glisson and his mother and sister, Mrs. Hartsock, were included.
At the close of that conference year, Rev. Moses Scott was appointed to the circuit. It was called the Mount Vernon Circuit, and included parts of the three counties of Knox, Licking and Marion.
Mr. Scott remained two years, and was succeeded by Revs. J. B. Roberts and Charles Caddy, who remained but one year, which brings the history of the church to the fall of 1841.
The conference was held in Allegheny City. Mount Vernon was made a station, and Mr. Earl was appointed to the circuit, which now contained eight appointments, Fredericktown and Cardington being the Sabbath appointments.
When Mr. Earl took charge, the society was composed of twentysix members-Mother Bovey had died, and the Cochran family had withdrawn.
During the winter of 1842, quite a revival took place, which was the result of a union protracted meeting between the Methodist Protestant and Christian Churches.
The minister, on the part of the Christian Church, was Rev. Mr. Marvin, of Knox County, and Mr. Earl, of the Methodist Protestant Church. It was a genuine old-fashioned revival. I think I am safe in saying over a hundred professed conversion, and among the number was Rev. T. C. Thomson and wife.
The Methodist Protestant Church obtained fifty as an addition, which, with the twentysix old members, made a pretty strong church for that early period, and gave the church the vantage,,round, as they were now the leading denomination of the place.
The Christian Church received quite an addition, and the Methodist Episcopal some.
The next step was to provide a house of worship.
A meeting was called, a Board of Trustees appointed, a site selected, a subscription started, and in a short time sufficient funds obtained to justify the Trustees in giving Leumas Cook the contract for building a house 30x40 feet, at a cost of $650.
In due time the house was finished, and set apart for divine worship. After a period of several years of varying success, the church concluded to build a new house, of larger dimensions and greater cost.
The old house was sold to Mr. Cook, who moved it a few lots south and fitted it for a dwelling. They then proceeded to build the new house at a cost of some $3,000.
It was dedicated at the session of conference in 1856, and, for two years following, Rev. Lemuel Yarnell served as Pastor.
The present Pastor is a young minister-Rev. Mr. Tyree. He had some prosperity in a protracted meeting in the early part of this winter.
The church, however, is not strong, either in numbers or finances. The present number of members, as reported, is from sixty to seventy.
Prior to 1842, there was no Sabbath school in Cardington. Some time during that year an agent of the American Sunday-School Union, by the name of Jones, paid us a visit, lectured on the subject, and organized a Sabbath school auxiliary to the American Sunday-School Union, and supplied it with a library of books.
In the organization, Rev. T. C. Thomson, of the Methodist Protestant Church, was made Superintendent, and G. W. Purvis, Assistant Superintendent.
It was to all intents and purposes a union school, and remained so until the other churches felt themselves strong enough to go alone, when they withdrew their stock, and organized schools of their own.
The present Superintendent is Charles Wesley Hartsock. The number of scholars enrolled is sixtyfive; the average number in attendance, fifty; the number of classes, seven ; number of teachers, seven ; value of library, $20; number of Sabbath schools, six; papers taken, seventy. The general condition of the school is good.
For want of proper and reliable records, it is difficult to act a correct starting-point in reference to the organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Cardington and Bethel.
After considerable effort among the old members of the church, I have come to the conclusion, that, to say, at an early period Cardington and Bethel were found to be appointments on the Mount, Gilead Circuit, is as near as we can get at it.
To undertake to say who were the first preachers is equally difficult. Rev. Zephaniah Bell, Rev. Silas Ensign and Rev. Samuel Shaw are all known to be among them, but to fix the order of time when their labor was performed is the difficult task.
The knowledge of the writer goes back to September, 1841 ; Rev. Samuel Allen was preacher in charge, and I think Rev. John Orr assisted, and John H. Power was Presiding Elder.
At that date, there was a small organization at Cardington ; Anson St. John, William Hill, John Richards and James Hazelton, with their families, were members, and, from the result of a protracted meeting, they received some additions. They then fitted up an unfinished frame building that stood on the lot now owned by M. L. Mooney.
About this time they had a few more accessions, Rev. Richard Sims and Lewis Mulford, with their wives, uniting with them; also Andrew Grant and wife, having moved from Sunbury to Cardington, joined by letter.
They did not retain possession of their church edifice very long, however, but sold it, when it was used as a storeroom. They were then without a house of worship, sometimes holding their meetings in private houses, sometimes in the schoolhouse, and sometimes in one of the other churches.
The Methodist Protestant Church generously let them occupy their house, which they used for a long time. Thus matters continued for several years, until 1854, when Rev. Lemuel Herbert was, by the conference, appointed to this Circuit, which, at that time, contained three appointments, viz., Cardington, Bethel and Boundary.
Mr. Herbert, being an energetic and persevering man, undertook the task of building a church building, which, in addition to his ministerial and pastoral labors, he successfully accomplished.
The house then built is the one now occupied by the Presbyterian Church, and was finished and duly dedicated to the service of God by Professor Merrick, of Delaware.
About this time, or perhaps a little subsequent, several men of means and prominence, of the Methodist faith, bought property and moved to Cardington.
Among them were John Shur, and George Rose and their families, with some others, and from this time the Methodist Episcopal Church became a power in the place.
A protracted meeting followed the dedication, resulting in a number of conversions, and additions to the church. From this time, it may be said with propriety that the Methodist Episcopal Church became the leading denomination of Cardington.
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After using the church edifice some fifteen or more years, and the membership becoming strong in numbers and finances, and the church building beginning to need repairs, the subject of erecting a new house of worship began to be agitated.
Some parties outside of the church, men of means, were reported to have said that we needed a handsome edifice, and that they would give $500 each, making $2,000, to the church that would build a handsome brick edifice, costing $8,000 or $10,000.
In view of the circumstances, the Trustees of the parsonage called a meeting of the Trustees of both parsonage and church, and made a proposition to sell the parsonage and purchase a property on the corner of Marion and Walnut streets, for $4,5011.

The proposition was accepted, and the property purchased, thus creating a debt of $2,000 or more, which hung heavily on the hands of the society for several years, but was finally paid.
In 1872, the late lamented L. B. Gurley was appointed to this charge, and, being a "new church man," thought it would never do to lose the $2,000 subscription.
He went to work in circulating a subscription, and was successful in obtaining the disciplinary amount, in order to let the contract. He remained three years, and superintended the building of the edifice.
It is a beautiful structure, and said to be inferior to none in the North Ohio Conference. Its cost was $12,000. The parsonage adjoining is valued at $3,000, making the whole worth $15,000, and a not less important consideration is, that it is all paid for.
The completion of this enterprise appears to have been the closing up of a Iong and useful life, on the part of Mr. Gurley, who has since gone from this labor to his reward.
At the dedication of this edifice, Bishop Foster, it was named Gurley Chapel, in honor of the one who took such an active part in securing it to the society. Mr. Gurley was succeeded by a young man, Rev. James Henry, who also remained three years.
He was a young man, of fine appearance, of undoubted piety, of sound judgment, and strong magnetic powers, and his three years were years of continued prosperity and success.
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Persons were converted through Rev. James Henry's labors, and added to the church by hundreds. During his administration a new brick church at Bethel was built. This is a fine edifice for the amount of money it cost.
The value of church property at Bethel was reported at Quarterly Conference to be $5,200, and all paid for.
The value of the church property at both points is $20,200.
The number of members at the two appointments is 410. This, it is said, is the largest membership, with the exception of Mansfield, of any work in this conference. Rev. R. McCaskey is the present Pastor.
The Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cardington, J. B. Waring, reports the average attendance at seventy-five, the number of teachers at nine.
The former Superintendent of Sabbath school at Bethel, Dr. Benson, gives the following statement : Present Superintendent, H. Cecil; number of scholars enrolled, 130; average attendance, 100. A goodly number of Sabbath school papers are taken, and the school seems decidedly prosperous.
The Christian Church was a very early organization in Cardington ; but there is now no authentic information as to its history.
As early as 1841, this society had an organization, and held regular meetings. In the winter of 1842, this society held a union protracted meeting with the Protestant Methodist Church, which resulted in considerable accessions to their membership.
The church had hitherto been without a regular place of worship; but, under the impulse of the revival, the society set about securing this desideratum.
In the following year, aided by several of the Universalist belief, the society erected a comfortable building on the corner of Main and Water streets.

At one time, this church had quite a numerous membership in the county, and this village seemed to be the rallying-point of the denomination.
At this time, the church seemed to be in a flourishing condition, promising to grow into the first importance among the churches.
In addition to Benjamin Grandy and wife, Parley Cady and wife, Adin Tucker, wife and daughters, Dorasmus Chandler and wife, and some others, Peter Doty, Joseph Sellars, and other prominent citizens united with this church.
One of their ministers, and T. L. Saulsbury, a prominent man among this denomination, moved here. Since then, however, the change has been complete.
Of the old organization, only Mr. Cady is left, and the old building, moved a short distance from its original location, is used as a dwelling.
A Presbyterian Church was organized, according to the record in this village, July 4, 1851, under the name and title of the First Presbyterian Church of Cardington, with seven members, viz., James Harrison and wife, James Gregory and wife, Israel Hite and wife, and J. G. Arbuckle. Harrison, Gregory and Hite were elected Elders.
The organization was accomplished by Rev. Henry Van Deman, of Delaware, Ohio.
By death and removal their numbers were so reduced that, in 1860, Mrs. Sarah Gregory only remained to represent the church.
In September, 1860, the organization was "perpetuated," as the records term it, under the supervision of the organizer, Rev. Mr. Van Deman. William Faris and wife, William Cunningham and wife, united, making, with Mrs. Gregory, five members in all.
William Faris was elected Elder. Additions have been made from time to time, and there are now some twenty-eight members. James B. Clark, George R. Cunningham, T. W. Long and John Campbell are Elders.
Subsequently, after the Methodist Episcopal Church commenced worship in their new house, their old church building was sold to the Presbyterians, and by them enlarged, reconstructed and made beautiful inside and out.
A protracted meeting was held, and a goodly number united, so that they now number fifty- two members. At present, they have no pastor, but are supplied by Rev. Mr. March, of Marysville.
Their church property is valued at $2,000.
The Sunday school was organized in 1874, after the repair of the church. The number of scholars enrolled is 100 ; average attendance, 75 value of library, $50; number of classes, 11 teachers. same number.
The school is in a very prosperous condition. The Sabbath school of this church makes a little better showing than either of the others, although it probably is the weakest of the three churches.
In 1867, Rev. S. Altman, a minister of the United Brethren Church, held a protracted meeting in the Methodist Protestant Church of this place, and to all appearance was successful in getting up a genuine and sweeping revival of religion.
The meeting was of several weeks' continuance. The best ministers of the connection were brought into requisition, among them Bishop Weaver, and the altar for many nights was crowded with penitents.
Many professed saving faith. A class of persons were professedly converted that had never before been reached ; I mean our business men, and for a time it seemed that the citadel of Satan must be taken.
It was said a $10,000 church must be built, and the best minister in the Conference must minister at the altar.
The meeting closed ; a church of near half a hundred members was organized, and officers appointed, but, for some cause the society was not formed here.
The German Lutheran is a small organization in the west end of town. It was organized in 1868 by F. G. Edward Knauth.
They have a neat place of worship, valued at $1,100. They have twenty-eight members, over whom the Rev. S. Hunsicher presides as Pastor.
They have services on alternate Sundays. The statistics of the Sunday school are as follows : Scholars enrolled, 20 ; average attendance, 15 ; number of classes, 5; number of teachers, 5.
The Catholic Church formed an organization here about 1870. They have a small brick edifice, 24x30 feet.
They have no regular service, but are supplied by Father Pilgrim, of Delaware, at irregular periods.
Their congregation and denomination is composed of sixteen families, and numbers about eighty persons.
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The Cardington Lodge of Odd Fellows. No. 194, was instituted March 9, 1852, by W. G. Williams, M. W. G. M., with John Andrews, J. J. Richards, J. W. Likens, J. R. West, Adam Wolfe, J. W. Place, L. Carpenter, David Smith and George Granger as charter members.
The first officers were George Granger, N. G, ; F. E. Phelps, Sec.; Ruben Bunker, Per. Sec.; C. T. White, Treas. Their first ball was in the building that stood on the northeast corner of Main and Marion streets.

They occupied this hall until 1860, when the Starr building was moved on to the southeast corner of these streets, on to a lot owned by the society, and the second story was fitted up for their reception.
They moved into it at once and made their home here until the destructive fire of 1875 swept that corner, destroying the ball with all its contents, occasioning a loss to the order of $1,200.
In the following year, when the Chase and Beatty Block was built, the society put on the third story at an expense of $7,000, including the furniture of the hall, a sum of money which they had in the treasury of the order save perhaps, $100.
The lodge room is 42x72 feet, with commodious committee and paraphernalia rooms on one side, opening out of the main hall.
The whole is finely fitted up and is claimed to be the finest of its kind in Central Ohio.
This lodge has about 122 members, has paid out $14,000 for relief of the members, besides some $2,500 for charitable purposes, independent of the order.
In addition to their hall, the lodge owns a lot with 53 feet front, on the southeast corner of Main and Marion streets, which is valued. at $5,000.
The Whetstone Encampment, No. 95, was instituted June 3, 1867, by William Slater, M. W. G. Patriarch, with John Andrews, Levi Reichelderfer, A. H. Grant, A. W. Bartlett, S. Brown, J. H. Fiedler, David Smith, Lewis Openheimer, W. F. Armstrong, A. V. Conklin and D. B. Kinsell as charter - members. It numbers about sixty-two members.
Cardington Lodge No. 384 Free and Accepted Masons, was organized February 5, 1867, with C. H. McElroy, W. S. Paul, H. S. Green, J. W. Marvin, M. L. Mooney, M. Burns, G. W. Bell, A. Weathersby, Andrew Caton, W. A. Hance, A. H. Shunk, as charter members.
Their first hall was in the north end of the Enterprise Block, but they have recently moved into the Brooks & Parvis Brothers' Block.
The first officers were: C. H. McElroy, W. M. ; W. S. Paul, S. W.; A. H. Shunk, See.; G. W. Bell, Treas.; M. L. Mooney, S. D.; H. S. Green, J. D.; Andrew Grant, Tiler.
The lodge has labored under some financial difficulties, but they have a neat and commodious hall, and some ninety members in all.
The present officers- are: D. N. Wherry, W. M.; T. W. Long, S. W.; Jesse Rinehart, J. W.; Judd Sherman, S. D.; R. H. Hirth, J. D.; T. H. Ensign, Treas.; B. B. Crane, See.; S. Brown, Tiler.
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In 1835, Cook and Shunk donated to the township one hundred rods of land, in a square piece, for a cemetery.
This was situated just northeast of the bend in the river, and is now the southeast corner of the new cemetery.
In April, 1863, Leumas Cook set apart fifteen and a half acres of land, west of the old cemetery, and adjoining it on the north and west, lying along the north bank of the river. This was survyed out into 163 lots, and forms a Pleasant place for the purpose for which it was designed. Link to Glendale Cemetery
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