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Russell Family

Herbert Family

Campbell Family

Steward Family

About Cardington


MMBO, million barrels of oil.
BCF, billion cubic feet

Exploration status: The Morrow County, Ohio, oil boom in the early 1960's led to the discovery of oil fields trapped in Cambrian dolomite beneath the Knox unconformity. Drilling depths to the reservoir
range from 3,000 to 4,000 ft. About 29 of the fields are equal to or greater than 1 MMBO in size, the largest of which has an ultimate recovery of approximately 15 MMBO. Through 1993, about 60 MMBO
and 30 BCF of associated gas have been produced from Morrow County and adjoining counties. The largest fields in the trend are Cardington East, ultimate recovery 15 MMBO; Denmark, ultimate recovery 7.5 MMBO; and Woodbury South, ultimate recovery 6.2 MMBO.

We (Jean and family) moved from Cardington in February 1961 so we missed the "oil boom". I am glad we did. We would go back to see my mom and dad and what a mess it seemed! Drilling everywhere, noise and the smell was terrible! I remember seeing the fires. Especially at night. I guess they burned the gas off.

My ( Marlen ) grandmother's farm ( Harry Steward farm) had 11 wells on it at one time, too bad she didn't own it at that time. I have been told that people thought they drilled too many wells and drilled them too close. The Harry Steward farm is a good example, 11 wells on 80 acres. They were drilling in town in back yards, it was a frantic race to put wells down and the disregard for a little conservation is probably why it didn't last. Today (2006), there are a few wells still pumping, but if they haden't been so greedy in the beginning there probably be a lot more wells pumping today.

This is an oil stroage tank still in use on my grandmother's farm in 2006